Institute provides residential accommodation for girls at
Procedure to get a Hostel room:
- All interested students desirous of availing Hostel Accommodation for Surat Campus
are required to submit the duly filled Hostel Application Form (Annexure-I) available
at the reception / downloaded from Academy’s website (link provided below).
- Equal vacancies have been created for each Admission Cycle – the accommodation in
the hostel shall be granted on the first come – first served basis as per each Admission
Cycle based on Hostel fee deposited with Accounts Department.
- Once all available Hostel Rooms have been allotted, all other applications received
will be Wait Listed.
- Hostel accommodation is allotted on Academic Year basis
- Importance of Cardinal Directions & extensions,
- Preference will be given to the outstation students.
- Hostel accommodation will be offered to other / Waiting List applicants only in
case of available vacancies.
Hostel Forms & Documents – Downloads
