The Students
Our students are the heart and soul of the institute, they are the untapped potential.
They are the new breed of generation who will govern and spearhead the positive
changes in the society.
Team Building
The institute always emphasis on team building and rapport building. Students are
always encouraged to work in groups or in interactive sessions which helps in exchange
of ideas, broadening horizons and widening their perspectives critical for their
Transdisciplinary Learning
Transdisciplinary learning aids in cutting across specialization. The students are
encouraged to work with a cohesive approach to learning. The integrated learning
process coupled with cognitive perspective with pragmatic approach equips students
to transform them into professionals and preparing them for a wide variety of careers.
Integrated learning process helps in imbibing and reinforcing the aesthetic sense
and industrial dynamics across levels and disciplines.
Critical Appraisal
Critical appraisal at every step encourages self improvement. The evaluation pattern
focuses on the gamut of learning practices and corresponding evaluation tools like
task based assignments, presentations, displays, research papers and written examinations
throughout the academic calendar. Interactive juries and viva-voiceprovide qualitative
evaluation in the overall growth of the students.